Frusen Gldj ice cream
Ice cream that you could buy in the grocery store used to be chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, pretty much. It was pumped up with lots of air, artificial flavors, and additives.
Then, in the mid-1970s, Russian immigrant Ruben Mattus introduced Hagen-Dazs to America. The superpremium ice cream had a high butterfat content and a rich taste - perfect for pampering Baby Boomers. (And while the name and container suggested it was imported, the name was nonsensical and the ice cream was made in America.)
Riding the coattails of Hagen-Dazs came Frusen Gldj, concocted by fourth-generation ice-creammaker Richard Smith. It came on the market in 1980 and took its place beside Hagen-Dazs. (Its packaging also suggested - falsely - that it was imported.)
In 1985, Mr. Smith sold Frusen Gldj to Kraft/General Foods Inc.
Eight years later, a mystery began. A Kraft spokeswoman states that Kraft sold its Frusen Gldj license to Unilever Corp. in 1993.
A spokesman for Unilever, however, claims that Frusen Gldj was never part of the deal. As of today, Frusen Gldj ice cream has apparently melted into the paperwork.
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