2001 Pulitzer Prize winners
Public Service: The New York Times, for "A Nation Challenged," a special section on the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
Breaking News: The Wall Street Journal, for publishing Sept. 12 after evacuating offices blocks from the World Trade Center
Investigative Reporting: Sari Horwitz, Scott Higham, Sarah Cohen, The Washington Post, for a series on Washington's child-welfare services
Explanatory Reporting: The New York Times staff, for coverage of global terrorism
Beat Reporting: Gretchen Morgenson, The New York Times
National Reporting: The Washington Post staff, for the war on terrorism
International Reporting: Barry Bearak, The New York Times, for coverage of Afghanistan
Feature Writing: Barry Siegel, The Los Angeles Times
Commentary: Thomas Friedman, The New York Times
Criticism: Justin Davidson, Newsday, Long Island, N.Y.
Editorial Writing: Alex Raksin and Bob Sipchen, The Los Angeles Times
Editorial Cartooning: Clay Bennett, The Christian Science Monitor
Spot News Photography: The New York Times, for Sept. 11
Feature Photography: The New York Times
Fiction: Richard Russo, "Empire Falls"
Drama: Suzan-Lori Parks, "Topdog/Underdog"
History: Louis Menand, "The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America"
Biography: David McCullough, "John Adams"
Poetry: Carl Dennis, "Practical Gods"
General Nonfiction: Diane McWhorter, "Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama, the Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution"
Music: Henry Brant, "Ice Field"
Associated Press