How to find a part-time job for the holidays
If you are looking for part-time work this holiday season, you should plan to apply for multiple positions, have a good clean résumé, and show you can be flexible with your schedule.
"You should put in at least 10 applications," says Amanda Richardson, a senior vice president at in Richmond, Va.
Some of her other suggestions:
•Make sure your résumé highlights relevant information, such as jobs similar to the one you are applying for.
•Indicate that you are willing to work Black Friday, the day after Christmas, or other busy days.
•In your application, be prepared to talk about your successes, even if it is something as simple as why you are someone's favorite baby sitter.
•Don't be afraid of old-fashioned networking, asking friends and family to help if they can.
•Visit the social-media sites of employers on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. "Try to be the first to find out about hiring opportunities," says Ms. Richardson.
•Don't limit yourself to retail opportunities. Restaurants increase staffing during the holidays, as do caterers, distribution companies, and shippers, she says.