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Monitor articles for September 11, 2009
- African leaders embrace Mugabe at SADC summit
- Taiwan's Chen gets life sentence for corruption
- Opel deal could bring Russian economy in from cold
- Eight years after 9/11, Taliban roils 80 percent of Afghanistan
- Eight years after 9/11, Taliban roils 80 percent of Afghanistan
- Karate class combines martial arts and gardening
- Al Capone Shines My Shoes
- Movie review: 'Cloud 9'
- Movie review: 'Earth Days'
- Movie review: 'No Impact Man'
- Movie review: 'Art & Copy'
- Movie review: 'No Impact Man'
- Chinese firms’ new challenge: Sell to Chinese
- Obama's healthcare tax plan: How risky?
- DNA evidence clear Florida inmate after 26 years
- 9/11 – still a call for comfort
- Closing Guantanamo will be a mistake
- Why do parents dress – and act – like their children?
- Money Daily Brief: China's economy growing faster
- Beetles and citrus share a common defense
- With Facebook Lite, a step deeper into Twitter terrain
- Polamalu out. Madden Curse strikes again?
- On 9/11 anniversary, Twitter users remember #whereiwas
- Courtney Love outraged by Kurt Cobain's role in Guitar Hero 5
- Talk to the editor: Where is the economy headed?
- US economy: Consumer sentiment improves a little
- For today’s teens, a politics website of their own
- Joe Wilson aftermath: Illegals get scrutiny in health reform
- If health reform costs too much, should a ‘fail-safe’ kick in?
- Recent bomb damage another setback for Iraq Museum
- Yemen rejects peace talks with rebels
- Surprise winner of Obama stimulus spending: gun industry
- Post 9/11, Americans say Muslims face most discrimination
- Iraq attacks raise questions about US withdrawal
- War of technologies in California speeding case
- World Trade Center's steel beam to be part of 9/11 memorial
- Surprise winner of Obama stimulus spending: gun industry
- Elissa's Quest
- On the eighth anniversary of 9/11, New York remembers
- On the eighth anniversary of 9/11, New York remembers
- On the eighth anniversary of 9/11, New York remembers
- Micronesia: Another kind of Sept. 11
- At Chinese truck factory, it's look out Daimler-Benz
- US official disavows 'artificial deadlines' for action on Iran
- With Mike Duvall, fall of another ‘family values’ crusader
- US and Britain diverge on election fraud in Afghanistan
- Pakistan arrests Swat Taliban leader
- Europe proposal aims to unclog global climate change talks
- Iran nuclear proposal rejected as Russia dismisses sanctions
- The potential in Hillary Clinton's global campaign for women
- Potomac River training exercise sparks fears of DC attack
- In fundraising video, Joe Wilson seeks to shore up GOP support