All Readers Respond
- Readers Write: Pull the plug on electric car criticism
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of March 26, 2012: Two writers argue that an op-ed critiquing electric cars for failing to reduce pollution is unfounded and outdated. Not so, responds the writer, citing another study.
- Readers Write: Religion isn't exempt; A racist, 'civil' past; Guns and domestic abuse
Letters to the editor for the weekly print issue of March 19, 2012: Supporting Obama's birth-control mandate, one reader says, Religious liberty doesn't give you liberty to impose your views on others. Another asks, Was America's anti-Semitic past really more civil? Another flags an omission in a piece on US gun culture: A woman is more likely to be killed if her abuser has a gun.
- Readers Write: Romantic 'hookups' aren't liberating; Strike on Iran is worst option
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of March 12, 2012: Regarding Gen Y courtship patterns, one reader asks, 'What ever happened to true love?' Another reader explains why a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities would bring more harm than good.
- Readers Write: China's communism is here to stay; Teaching is a successful career
Letters to the editor for the weekly print issue of March 5, 2012: One reader explains why Chinese communism isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Another complains that an op-ed's money-based definition of success unfairly labels teachers as unsuccessful.
- Readers Write: Islamists still dangerous; Irish history matters; US needs a CEO prez
Letters to the editor for the February 27 weekly print issue: One reader worries that despite post-Arab Spring political involvement, Islamists still have the potential for religious tyranny and terror. Another reader defends a common subject of Irish films – The Troubles – as still relevant. A third reader takes issue with a column arguing that the US doesn't need a CEO president.
- Readers Write: Wind turbines bad for earth, people; wrong US motives in Afghanistan
Letters to the editor for the weekly print issue of February 20, 2012: One reader argues that large industrial wind turbines are inefficient, harmful to communities, and non-eco-friendly. Another sees no validation for the US staying in Afghanistan for economic reasons and influence.
- Readers Write: Kids don't need fancy toys; Voters need ID
Letters to the Editor from the weekly print issue of February 13, 2012: In response to the cover story 'Time to play,' one reader emphasizes the importance of children having unstructured time for creative play (especially in nature), not overstimulated by fancy toys. Another reader takes issue with the concern that requiring voters to have ID will deter minority and young voters.
- Readers Write: Keep criminals off streets; get US out of Afghanistan; let kids play
Letters to the Editor from the weekly print edition of February 6, 2012: One reader says reducing prison populations won't come from releasing criminals, but rehabilitating them and preventing crime. Others praise the recent cover story on the importance of free playtime for children. Another argues the US shouldn't stay in Afghanistan for access to resources or influence in the region.
- Readers Write: Homeownership isn't all bad – or good; EU is a model for peace
Letters to the Editor for the weekly issue of January 30, 2011: One reader takes issue with an op-ed's reasoning on why Americans should rent, not buy. Another points out that the global reduction in war is largely attributable to the union of previous enemies in Europe.
- Readers Write: Gingrich isn't the only indecent politician
Letters to the Editor for the weekly issue of January 23, 2011: GOP voters aren't the only 'hypocrites' out there – endorsing Newt Gingrich (with a history of moral failings) over squeaky clean Mitt Romney, while hating family man Obama. Remember Democrats' love of Bill Clinton?
- Readers Write: Avoid US caveman response on Iran; the truth on teen pregnancy
Letters to the Editor for the weekly issue of January 16, 2011: As tensions rise with Iran, one reader spurns America's 'usual knee-jerk military response' and praises 'smart power' instead. Another reader points out factors behind teen pregnancy, emphasizing education as key to combatting it.
- Readers Write: Tebow should kneel off the field; prophets of hope, not doom
Letters to the Editor for the weekly issue of January 2, 2011: One reader says Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow's displays of faith don't belong in the end zone. Another praises a recent cover story assessing world progress: Why must one be a prophet of doom to be recognized as a prophet?