All The Monitor's View
- Obama’s best legacy on race
In what may be his parting speech as president on race relations, President Obama focused on a theme common in his previous talks: the need to acknowledge racial progress already made in America.
- London’s bridge to European Muslims
The election of a Muslim as London’s mayor, along with other examples of respect for religious differences, helps counter an anti-Islam narrative in Europe.
- Why US must help kids be free of vaping
The new FDA regulations on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors is only a step toward raising a generation free of nicotine addiction.
- The unconventional 2016 presidential race
Despite all its hand-wringing surprises, the contest has shown how democracy breeds innovation in ideas and people.
- A model to stem mass migration?
In just a few weeks, an EU-Turkey pact has led to a big decline in the flow of migrants into Greece. Its mix of compassion and legality could be a model for similar agreements.
- Why prayer appeals to Americans
In time for National Prayer Day, a study finds not only widespread reliance on prayer for healing but also the main predictor of prayer. (Hint: It has something to do with God’s love.)
- The real war against Islamic State
The political turmoil in Iraq’s government reflects the struggle to counter Islamic State’s notion of clerical rule with democratic ideals of equality between all individuals.
- Identity and the new ‘global citizen’
As more people identify as ‘global citizens,’ the term needs an anchor in individual identity.
- Where Trump, Clinton overlap on Syria
Trump’s foreign-policy speech finds some common ground with Clinton in the concern for protecting the innocent in Syria’s brutal war.
- The audacity of a Saudi vision
Rather than simply attack the country’s many domestic problems directly, a Saudi plan instead creates opportunities for a post-oil economy. It might help shift the global debate on climate change.
- The uses of gratitude in diplomacy
President Obama’s message on a European tour was that the Continent can help overcome its many woes by remembering the progress it has made – and the example it still sets for the world.
- Long road to trust for the car industry
More scandals have hit the global car industry since revelations about VW’s diesel emissions. Transparency will help carmakers rebuild badly shaken trust.
- An odd up-and-down in the presidential race
Distrust of government is at a record high but turnout in many primaries is higher than normal. Why voters say one thing to pollsters and do another.
- What lies behind turmoil in Brazil, Ukraine
A president faces impeachment, a prime minister resigns – these are signs of voters fed up with corruption and looking for blame. The ultimate answer, however, lies in choosing and voting for moral candidates.
- What Obama must see in Saudi Arabia
US-Saudi ties are not in the best shape, but President Obama should look to the emerging civic identity of Saudi youth, found in their digital life and demand for rights.
- A world free of drug abuse? The UN must keep trying.
A UN special assembly on drugs will try to rebuild a global consensus on drug policies. New treatments offer hope for abusers in being addiction-free. But anti-drug enforcement, while in need of reform, should not be reduced.
- The payoff in not paying off an official
A survey of global firms finds a trend in honesty: More corporations are experiencing fewer losses to corrupt competitors who are still willing to pay a bribe. It seems running a business with integrity in a corrupt environment can be profitable.
- Germany’s humane rush to integrate refugees
Chancellor Angela Merkel has helped stem the flow of migrants into Europe and now has a plan to integrate many in Germany. The plan offers both carrots and sticks to ensure ‘cohesion’ in German society.
- Good grades for girls’ education
With so much progress worldwide, the champions of better schooling for girls seek further gains. They have plenty of successful models and new sources of money.
- Echoes of Arab Spring in peace steps
A possible driver for cease-fires in Syria, Libya, and Yemen may be a high desire for freedom and equality among Arab youth. A new survey reveals their aspirations, five years since the Arab Spring.