All The Monitor's View
- India rape verdict: A step toward freedom from sexual violence
A guilty verdict in India for four rapists marks the world's slow but steady progress toward ensuring a woman's right to bodily integrity. New studies give hope that societies will see that rape is not a fact of life.
- Why listen to Obama's speech on Syria?
President Obama's speech on Tuesday about a strike on Syria deserves a good listen by Americans. He asked Congress for support and welcomes alternative views. Good leadership today requires listening all around.
- Mexico's reforms are key to US immigration reform
Surprising and historic political changes in Mexico hold the prospect of reducing the American fear of future waves of illegal migrants across the border.
- Giving the hook to college hookup culture
College students have less sex with fewer partners than a generation ago, a new study finds. This should free students of the pressure to conform to a popular narrative.
- Will a blow on Syria be a blow for justice?
As Congress votes whether to approve a strike on Syria, it must also decide the 'just' means of a US operation. A war should be conducted in proportion to its goals.
- G20 summit's bright consensus on tax evasion
Syria may be the corridor topic at the G20 summit, but the group's amazing consensus on battling tax avoidance will be its historic moment.
- In vote on Syria strike, Americans face moment of truth for 'values that define us'
As Congress preps for a vote on a possible US punitive strike on the Syria regime, Obama frames the issue as one about 'values that define us.' That throws the question squarely on defining the American identity.
- Obama plan to rank colleges: Will it raise thinking skills?
Congress appears lukewarm about President Obama's proposal to rank colleges and universities. One reason may be that it fails to measure what today's employers want: Graduates with higher-order thinking skills.
- Obama and King's 'Dream' speech
The power of great oratory to bring about change has shifted since Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech. President Obama and recent US presidents have struggled to adjust to new demands for different styles of leadership.
- What Obama must tell Americans about a US strike on Syria
Airstrikes on Syria would be meant to defend international law protecting civilians from chemical weapons. Yet can President Obama say no civilians will be killed in US 'surgical' strikes?
- Is the Yosemite fire a good fire?
As California's Rim Fire bears down on Yosemite National Park and threatens power and water for San Francisco, the state must once again reassess the values that humans place on nature.
- Syria jumps the red line
The almost certain use of chemical weapons by Syria makes stronger international action nearly unavoidable.
- Would you like unlimited days off?
Some employers offer unlimited vacation days to workers. But is it really a perk?
- Internet privacy should trump growth
Facebook’s wants to aggressively spread Internet connectivity to the developing world. But that shouldn't be its top priority.
- Science for everyone
As ‘citizen science’ projects grow in popularity, science loses some of its mystery. That’s good.
- Obama’s pressing agenda
Urgent issues await presidential action this fall. How Mr. Obama handles them will say a lot about his presidency.
- Yucca Mountain low
A court is rightly pushing the Obama administration to make a decision on the Nevada site, a first step in setting a long-term policy on nuclear waste.
- Egypt – take the long view
Stopping the violence comes first. Realizing that democracies can take decades to emerge should be a cause for hope.
- College football: Let the big guys go
A ‘Big 5’ division with only top teams would give big-money, big-time football a league of its own.
- Decline in marriage – it’s the economy
Working-class Americans are passing up going to the altar. Fixing the economy could help change that.