All Commentary
- The Monitor's ViewBreakthrough against chemical weapons
For the first time, an agency enforcing an international treaty directly blames a government for a gas attack on civilians. Now the world must act on Syria’s violation of global norms.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveA profound statistic to consider
When illness spreads, statistics play a big role in containment and information efforts, but they also stir fear. Here’s an article exploring a number the author has found particularly meaningful, even healing: the spiritual perspective that God, good, has 100% of the power.
- Epiphany’s epiphany: One church’s story
Can itinerant preachers be part of a revival – a reimagining of American mainline Christianity that brings people back to pews?
- A Christian Science PerspectiveBringing light to a world of pandemic fears
If it seems we’re being overcome by the world and its problems, it’s worth considering Christ Jesus’ words, “I have overcome the world,” and what they mean for us.
- The Monitor's ViewA burst of creativity to best a virus
From mastering Zoom at home to inventing anticoronavirus vaccines, people are using the crisis to be more open to inspiration.
- A Christian Science Perspective‘The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart’
The timeless message of Easter assures us that however dark things may seem, God, Life itself, is always present to inspire and light our path.
- The Monitor's ViewIn an interlude for sports, a time for introspection
Like halftime in football, sports leaders can use this temporary cancellation of contests to return sports to their core purpose.
- The Monitor's ViewThe attraction of peace to end COVID-19
The U.N.’s success in asking for cease-fires in world conflicts can help push the Security Council to finally act against the coronavirus.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveWhy we love Jesus
At Easter and always, each of us can dedicate ourselves to following the path Jesus pointed out – and experience more of the healing, moral regeneration, and deeper joy that come from taking his teachings and example to heart.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveLonely? You have a friend in God.
Living far from home, feeling overwhelmed and lonely, a woman yearned for peace and companionship. The realization that God is always with us, even when it feels like we’re all alone, profoundly changed her life for the better.
- The Monitor's View‘Pray for Boris’ and other signs of spiritual revival
The global prayers for the British leader are an example of the health crisis forcing a new interest in how spiritual ideas bring healing.
- The Monitor's ViewA crisis forcing humility from the bottom up
Elected leaders are under pressure to mirror the unity of their societies and cooperate to end the coronavirus crisis.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveDialing down our digital distractions
Especially these days, when millions of people around the world have been asked to stay at home as much as possible, it can seem all too easy to be consumed by digital distractions. But as a man who once felt irresistibly, habitually pulled to digital distractions found out, praying to better know God as divine Mind lifts the impulse to indulge in such behavior.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveEngaging with the news productively, not fearfully
Though staying informed about public health issues is important, the barrage of information about the coronavirus – and, in some cases, misinformation – can feel overwhelming. But opening our hearts to God’s love inspires wise and reasoned actions instead of panic-impelled reactions.
- The Monitor's ViewIn worship, still touching hearts if not each other
For Jews, Muslims, and Christians, a temporary absence of in-person services can lead to fresh approaches to reaching others.
- Readers RespondReaders write: Estonia’s cyber warriors
Letters to the editor for the April 6, 2020 weekly magazine. Readers discuss the Feb. 10 cover story, “Estonia’s cyber warriors.”
- The Monitor's ViewCare for the social ills of isolation
Lockdowns are leading to upticks in problem behaviors, such as domestic abuse. Compassion more than money is needed.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveGenerosity that goes both ways
In the face of employment uncertainty and economic volatility, meeting one’s needs – much less helping others with theirs – can seem nearly impossible. But recognizing God as the source of limitless good empowers us to experience and share divine goodness in tangible ways.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveHealed of pneumonia
After receiving a pneumonia diagnosis, a woman turned to God for help – and experienced firsthand the biblical promise that “with God all things are possible.”
- The Monitor's ViewReversing power grabs during a pandemic
Hungary’s leader gets a lesson on why electoral legitimacy is needed to deal with the coronavirus.