All Commentary
- The Monitor's ViewSyrian refugees as Trojan horse for Islamic State?
In Europe and the US, many leaders stoke fears of Syrian refugees as hiding Islamic State fighters. Not only is this fear unfounded but it only helps IS in its recruitment.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveThe watchword is vigilance
A Christian Science perspective: Staying prayerfully alert in today’s world.
- The Monitor's ViewWhy new democracies still need foreign poll-watchers
Myanmar’s welcoming of foreign election observers for its Nov. 8 vote reflects the progress in setting international norms for free and fair voting.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveWhere is the voice coming from?
A Christian Science perspective: Learning to carefully watch our thinking.
- The Monitor's ViewA calm center for the immigration debate
Emotions are running high in Europe and the US about migrants or refugees. There is a way to keep a civil discourse.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveBehind-the-scenes helpers
A Christian Science perspective: Supporting our global neighbors with thoughtful prayer.
- The instant the world changed
A new world was born 70 years ago out of the ashes of war. With it came many of today's world problems. With it also came a determination to make the world better.
- Readers RespondReaders write: carbon fees; image of the times; inspirational African-Americans
Letters to the editor for the Sept. 14, 2015, weekly magazine.
- Global NewsstandMigrants are valuable; Iran's regional role; Arab tourists; Muslims in Canada; Russian food bonfires
A round-up of global commentary for the Sept. 14, 2015, weekly magazine.
- The Monitor's ViewCollege football: Don’t pander to bettors
ESPN’s ‘cover alerts’ tie college sports ever closer to gambling.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveOn 9/11, choosing life and hope
A Christian Science perspective: Bringing hope to 9/11 remembrance.
- The Monitor's ViewGetting personal with corporate crime
The US Justice Department plans to favor prosecution of individual wrongdoers over the levying of corporate fines.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveEnlarge the borders of love
A Christian Science perspective: It’s important to find room in hearts and homes for refugees.
- The Monitor's ViewEurope’s migrant challenge
Not all countries may be able to benefit from the influx of newcomers; but all of Europe must share the load.
- A Christian Science PerspectivePermission to express our true nature
A Christian Science perspective: Praying for broken families affected by infidelity.
- The Monitor's ViewA still relevant monarch
As Queen Elizabeth II becomes Britain's longest-serving monarch her reign seems to be enjoying a renaissance.
- A Christian Science PerspectivePrayer can uplift politics
A Christian Science perspective: How to support a presidential campaign season in a helpful way.
- Turning the page on a presidency
A president's legacy is written in clay, not granite. One generation gives a thumbs up, the next a thumbs down. No presidency is every really over.
- The Monitor's ViewFearless Guatemala's lessons for Latin America
Peaceful protests that helped oust the Guatemalan president set a template for rejecting the fears that keep corruption in place. Seven months of a popular rising also showed the power of shared ideals in demanding honest governance.
- Global NewsstandDon't turn away migrants; Trump and Giuliani; learning Chinese in South Africa; a new cold war; stock market lessons
A round-up of global commentary for the Sept. 7, 2015 weekly magazine.