All Commentary
- Readers RespondReaders write: third party candidates; Trump's free range; verbal recharge
Letters to the editor for the Sept. 7, 2015 weekly magazine.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveHow to stand guard to stop senseless violence
A Christian Science perspective: Inspiration from the heroism expressed in the thwarted Paris terrorist attack.
- The Monitor's ViewChina’s voice in the global opera
As Chinese leader Xi Jinping holds a summit with President Obama and takes command of the G20, he must also define what values China offers as it tries to reshape the international system.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveLeading by moral example
A Christian Science perspective: A prayerful response to the Monitor editorial 'How US probe of FIFA bends global norms.'
- The Monitor's ViewNew ways to protect the innocent in war
As the nature of war changes, the International Committee of the Red Cross is struggling to ensure compliance with the humanitarian principles of the Geneva Conventions. Even the most extreme militants must be convinced of the need to protect civilians.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveEver-present good
A Christian Science perspective: The nature of goodness and our relation to good.
- The Monitor's ViewSeeing Ukraine as an opportunity
A renewed cease-fire, debt restructuring, and more reforms are helping transform Ukraine from a crisis into an opportunity for Europe.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveNeighbors at peace
A Christian Science perspective: A prayerful response to the Monitor editorial 'A universal answer to religious violence.'
- The Monitor's ViewThe global call for more border walls
Donald Trump’s promise of a secure wall on the US-Mexican border reflects a trend in many nations to fortify their boundaries. A better course lies in more cooperation between countries and tackling root causes of perceived border threats.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveThe substance of Love
A Christian Science perspective: How can we express affection in more enduring ways?
- A revolution comes in layers
The "energy crisis" hit like a locomotive in the 1970s. Today's "energy revolution" didn't happen suddenly. It grew out millions of innovations, processes, and decisions.
- The Monitor's ViewSaying ‘rubbish’ in Lebanon to politics by faith
A garbage-pickup crisis has sparked protests aimed at fixing a government stalemated for too long by the attempt to balance religious rivalry. Lebanon may set an example in the Mideast for government based on individual equality regardless of faith.
- Global NewsstandUS and Turkey not helping Syria, let the yuan fluctuate, Japan's WWII apology, US not able to handle challenge of climate change
A round-up of global commentary for the Aug. 31, 2015 weekly magazine.
- Readers RespondReaders write: two sides of climate change, more to roar about than Cecil
Letters to the editor for the Aug. 31, 2015 weekly magazine.
- A Christian Science PerspectivePeace that is always with us
A Christian Science perspective: Finding peace wherever we are.
- The Monitor's ViewNorth Korea’s old ruse falters
North Korea’s latest violent provocation of South Korea ended with an agreement that appears to break an old pattern. The South may have learned how to deal with the North’s attempts to intimidate.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveHelp for refugees
A Christian Science perspective: Praying for those fleeing Islamic State.
- The Monitor's ViewAfrica’s democratic road to economic unity
With the launch of an ambitious project to form a free-trade zone, Africa must also realize that trade is best enhanced when states are democratic.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveExpecting harmony
A Christian Science perspective: The presence of God precludes the possibility of evil.
- The Monitor's ViewNew Orleans’ thanks for post-Katrina volunteers
To mark the 10th anniversary of its devastating hurricane, New Orleans called on citizens to volunteer in service projects, a celebration of the generosity shown the city by private givers over the past decade.