All Commentary
- Global ViewpointIslam is not the problem in Egypt
Many conclude that religion is causing turmoil in Egypt. Islam is not the problem. The turmoil comes from the gap between expectations of speedy change by those who made the 2011 revolution and the slow process of dismantling the old way of life while building a new society.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveYou have something to give
A Christian Science perspective: If you think you're not creative enough or capable enough for the task you've been given to do, take heart. There is an answer.
- The Monitor's ViewTaking choice out of personal health
As more governments move to restrict personal choices as a way to cut costs, especially in health care, they can easily impinge on both liberty and alternative ideas about health.
- OpinionWhy I'll be avoiding the sequel to the 'fiscal cliff' drama
I invested a great deal of time following the Fiscal Cliff Drama and its main characters, John Boehner and President Obama. But the great fight over taxes and spending cuts ended with a cop-out. There was no satisfying dénouement, and the ticking time-bomb turned out to be fake.
- OpinionOutrage over India gang rape shows the power of human dignity
The gang rape and death of a young woman in India has ignited outrage at sexual violence against women and girls in India and at corrupt police. Reactions to dehumanization and humiliation can spur movements for political and social change, as seen in Egypt and Tunisia.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveIs this the right time for a move?
A Christian Science perspective.
- OpinionLove it or loathe it, the 'fiscal cliff' deal brought compromise
As unsatisfying as the bargain is in substance, its achievement reaffirms an essential element of America’s democracy – the need for compromise. That aspect of the 'fiscal cliff' deal will be needed as the US approaches the debt ceiling and debate on spending cuts and tax reform.
- The Monitor's ViewWho forced a 'fiscal cliff' deal? Try foreign investors.
Washington is now all too aware that foreign creditors and investors will punish it for any macroeconomic mismanagement. American competitiveness was at stake in the fiscal cliff negotiations.
- OpinionIndia gang rape: Why US should ratify UN treaty on women's rights
The gang rape and death of a student in India, which has sparked protests there to change cultural views on women, should remind the United States why it’s high time to ratify the UN 'bill of rights' for women. American criticism of the treaty is based on misconceptions.
- A Christian Science Perspective'Fiscal cliffs' and debt ceilings: learning lessons
A Christian Science perspective.
- The Monitor's ViewFor journalists and Internet, 2013 must not repeat 2012
Record assaults on journalists in 2012 and official moves to censor the Internet show how much authoritarian regimes fear the truth. Perhaps in 2013, truth-tellers will start to win.
- Readers RespondReaders Write: Obamacare should keep religious exemption narrow. What has Obama done for Palestinians?
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of Dec. 31, 2012: The religious exemption to Obamacare's contraceptive mandate should remain narrow, so few groups have the right to deny employees insurance coverage for contraception. President Obama should stop support for Israel's West Bank takeover and bring US foreign policy in line with American democratic principles.
- OpinionIn 2013, nothing more important than protecting hopes for democracy
The world faces serious issues in 2013, including debt and climate change. But nothing is more important to international stability and human progress than the aspirations of people upending authoritarian rule in pursuit of self-government. A look at three cases: Egypt, Myanmar, Malawi.
- OpinionNew Year's resolution: Stop drunk driving with ignition locks
The New Year’s holiday contributes more alcohol-related traffic fatalities than any other day of the year. We challenge states to join our New Year’s resolution and require ignition interlocks for all those convicted of drunk driving. These devices work.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveLove impels progress
A Christian Science perspective.
- Bad news is loud. Good news rules
If you look behind the often dire headlines and examine the long-term trends, you'll see that crime is falling, lifespans are increasing, and poverty is ebbing. In other words, there's solid evidence for hope.
- The Monitor's ViewIndia gang rape: why women are needed as justice officials
Mass protests in India after a vicious gang rape of a female student help put a spotlight on countries that need to have more women police and judges. Antirape laws are not enough.
- OpinionIn fighting gangs, US should look to El Salvador
In combating the MS-13 gang, the Obama administration should look to El Salvador, which has adopted a far less confrontational approach, and is seeing a drop in gang violence as a result. A negotiated 'truce' with gangs is possible in the US and Mexico.
- OpinionPutin shows Russian insecurity in signing ban on US adoption of orphans
Russia's ban on US adoption of orphans is retaliation for a US law that targets human-rights abusers in Russia. Moscow's response reveals one of its greatest weaknesses, a deep-seated national sense of insecurity. Now Russians themselves must demand better for their children.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveA path to a fresh start
A Christian Science perspective.