All Commentary
- The Monitor's ViewThe Syrian protesters' cry for help
Arab nations and the West are closer to acting against the Assad regime – perhaps even militarily – to end the slaughter of pro-democracy protesters. The consequences of inaction are becoming worse than action.
- OpinionWhen character counts in choosing a president
'Private sins' usually matter far less than 'public virtues' in presidents. Whether in Iowa or New Hampshire, voters must weigh how Romney, Gingrich, or any other candidate has behaved in public life. Look for the qualities of courage, self-control, wisdom, and justice.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveClear the clutter: a New Year's resolution
A Christian Science perspective.
- OpinionIowa caucus and beyond: What's the role of government?
As Iowans caucus and other states vote for a Republican nominee, one issue is the role of federal government. Iowans may be surprised to learn that they get back more in individual federal assistance than they pay in federal taxes. And it's similar elsewhere.
- The Monitor's ViewSaving earth’s equipoise
With continued abuse, the environment of this globe could get out of whack. And that would be rather disastrous for all of us who live here.
- The Monitor's ViewHarboring Hate