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- Nancy Drew and the case of a secret identityThis time, it was quite serious – how to appeal to boys? A quick-thinking mother comes to the rescue.
- A circle of sources, a baby's surpriseInspired to make a jacket for a newborn, an uninitiated knitter realizes it takes a village.
- My RussianOn a snowy night near Tolstoy's house, a tongue-tied American tries to summon the courage to converse.
- Point of view: An oasis of color and calmA photographer stumbles on a timeless scene in the mazelike Indian slums.
- Insights from a pile of manureHer un-anniversary was fast approaching, but how to reinvent that day remained elusive.
- A fire withinHis teenage son, with a propensity for T-shirt and shorts in winter, faced the cold in the most surprising of ways.
- A labor of logsAs small farm buildings succumb to age and neglect, their sturdy timbers find a new life.
- The four-legged gardenerWith natural pruning skills and a thorough love of dirt, Ricky offers enthusiastic, if unskilled, assistance.
- A hopeless romantic meets her matchTouring Greece's antiquities, a traveler comes face to face with the temples of the ancient gods – and her childhood dreams.
- Planes, trains, and vacation loveA trip brings out a husband's ardor for his wife as he gushes compliments in her direction.
- Do we need spaceflight for the perspective?An astronaut's life-changing lesson from a moment in orbit.
- Teacher's pest, redeemedHe was wildly smart and witty but also picked fights and stole.
- Point of view: Wedding photo fantasiesIn Beijing, a wedding means an elaborate photo shoot, complete with props, ladders and lighting equipment.
- My son gets his (driving) wingsToday's driving schools for teenagers are a far cry from an older cousin taking on the teaching duties.
- Cowboy culture in suburban Bavaria: 'Wilkommen pardner!'In suburban Bavaria, cowboy culture is greeted with a howdy -- and a German twist.
- So, just where is this omnibus taking us?The Monitor's language columnist ponders how a word that once referred to horse-drawn carriages now refers to legislative packages with something for everyone.