All Education
- No Child Left Behind loses bite as Obama issues waiversMany educators applaud the waivers from some parts of No Child Left Behind, saying the education-reform law has a one-size-fits-all approach. Others worry that minorities could suffer.
- Miramonte School sex abuse scandal: Was replacing entire staff too extreme?Students at the Miramonte School, which was rocked by allegations that two teachers sexually abused children, return to a newly staffed school Thursday. Some parents and education experts say L.A. overreacted.
- Lesson of L.A. teacher sex-crime case: Heed children who report abuseMark Berndt, who taught at a Los Angeles school for more than 30 years, is charged with 23 counts of committing lewd acts on children since 2005. Two former students say they reported him 20 years ago.
- Education 2.0: Can Digital Learning Day begin a classroom revolution?Thirty-nine states, 15,000 teachers, and 1.7 million students are expected to participate in a series of events and webcasts on Wednesday, Digital Learning Day.
- Why New Hampshire lets parents have broad say over children's courseworkA new law in New Hampshire lets parents object to school coursework and request that their children learn alternative material. It may readjust the balance between parents' rights and educators' judgment.
- Utah school bomb plot: from inspiration to prevention, Columbine had a partOne suspect in the Utah high school bomb plot interviewed the Columbine principal in December. Police were tipped off by a friend of the suspect who received a suspicious message.
- Five shifts among college freshmen: For one, they're more studious A survey of college freshmen reports an uptick in study time and a bit less partying. Here's a look at ways first-time freshmen depart from previous freshman classes.
- Under education reform, school principals swamped by teacher evaluationsSchool principals, including some who back more rigorous review of teachers, are balking at education reforms required by Race to the Top. New teacher evaluations are all-consuming, they say.
- School lunches get first overhaul in 15 years – but pizza still a vegetableSchool lunches will change in accordance with the USDA's new guidelines. Nutrition experts are pleased, though they argue that Congress interfered unnecessarily.
- Biden, in a swing state, addresses student anxiety over college costsVice President Biden sought Friday to remind Pennsylvania high-schoolers of the value of higher eduction – and how the Obama administration is trying to control college costs. The state's Class of 2010 owes an average of $28,599 per graduate – the fifth highest debt level in the US.