All Security
- Navy SEAL receives Medal of Honor for Afghan rescue missionEdward Byers Jr. participated in the rescue of Dr. Dilip Joseph, who was abducted along with his driver and Afghan interpreter.
- The B-21: At $500 million each, is this a better bomber?Northrop Grumman will build the new B-21 bomber. But many details about the bomber remain shrouded in secrecy.
- Why is America losing faith in its military?A new Gallup poll shows that the lowest number of Americans in 23 years think the US has the world's No. 1 military – a change in perceptions.
- Meet the military's gigantic marine droneThe Defense Department recently unveiled its latest cost-cutting submarine war vessel – a 140-ton autonomous drone called the Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel.
- Americans divided on military power, new poll showsIn the poll released Monday, only 49 percent of Americans said they believe the US is the number one military power in the world.
- First LookShould the US help South Korea establish a missile defense system?The United States is currently considering imposing additional economic sanctions on North Korea following the increasingly belligerent nation's rocket launch earlier this month. South Korean defense officials are expected to ask for more material assistance next week.
- Intel chiefs find bright spots amid serious risks to US securityTop US intelligence chiefs discussed top state threats in testimony before lawmakers Tuesday. But it wasn’t all bad.
- Should the US just stay in Afghanistan?President Obama has vowed to get the US out of Afghanistan, but some experts are now saying a small, permanent presence there and elsewhere could have advantages in an era of terrorism.
- Women should be allowed in military draft, say top officialsThe comments follow a December announcement that women would be eligible for all combat positions in the military.
- Exclusive: Report shows Marines' shifting approach to women in combatThe Marines have long been resistant to including women in combat units. But a Pentagon document obtained by the Monitor offers a more optimistic view.
- US general: Why US shouldn't carpet bomb ISIS targetsCarpet bombs violate our 'guiding principles,' says a top US general, who calls for more coalition forces to retake ISIS-occupied cities instead.
- Pentagon’s new policies aimed at making military more family-friendlyThe measures announced by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, including about paid maternity leave, are intended to support service members and their families.
- First LookUS Navy test flights rattle New Jersey homesThe US Navy confirmed that a sonic boom that shook New Jersey and other nearby states was likely caused by flight testing off the coast of Maryland.
- Why does the Pentagon need an Iron Man suit?The Pentagon isn't afraid to spend money on technology. But recent requests by Special Operations generals have an imminently practical element and speak to the evolving nature of American war fighting.
- New World War I memorial: America looks back to move forwardThe unveiling of the Washington memorial's design is a sign of how far America has come in its willingness to acknowledge dark corners of US history.
- US plans to 'further accelerate' ISIS fight: Momentum or mixed messages?The US pledge to step up operations comes as the Iraqi military prepares to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from ISIS fighters.
- First LookSearch and rescue crews hold out hopes for Marines missing in HawaiiTwelve Marines have been missing since late Thursday night, when their Super Stallion helicopters failed to return to base. Searchers have found life rafts, but no crew members.
- First LookFamilies of Marines missing in Hawaii hold tight to hopes and prayersRefusing to give up hope, the families of Marines missing after two helicopters collided off Hawaii are sharing stories of their lost sons.
- High surf complicating Hawaii search for missing MarinesTwelve Marines are missing after two helicopters crashed off Hawaii on Friday. Military officials remain uncertain if the accident was a collision.
- Army report: Shipments of live anthrax spores resulted from ‘serious breaches’The Army released a heavily redacted report on Friday that examined serious lapses at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. Going forward, Army officials are calling for more oversight.