All Politics
- Ron Paul: How badly does GOP need his voters?Many in the GOP realize that Ron Paul is not going to fade away once the early primaries are over. If Ron Paul doesn't win the primary battle, they'll need his voters to win in the general election.
- New Hampshire primary results: Is Jon Huntsman toast?Jon Huntsman bet his campaign on the New Hampshire primary results, but finished a distant third. The only subset of voters he won was Democrats, hardly a base upon which to build a winning run for the GOP nomination.
- Partisan feud escalates over voter ID laws in South Carolina, other statesThe Obama administration has blocked South Carolina's tough voter ID law, citing possible minority disenfranchisement. The spread of such laws is reviving a Democratic-Republican feud over voting rights.
- Why Ron Paul is defending Mitt Romney after the 'fire people' remarkThe Ron Paul campaign is seeking to characterize the race as between the Texas libertarian and Mitt Romney, and it's arguing that the rest of the candidates are fading into the background.
- Super PAC windfalls: How deep pockets are funding the 2012 electionA 'super PAC' endorsing Newt Gingrich recently received $5 million to help boost his 2012 election campaign. But the former House speaker isn't the only candidate to benefit from super PAC money.
- White House chief of staff resigns at crucial moment for ObamaWhite House Chief of Staff William Daley will be replaced by Jacob Lew, President Obama said Monday. The influential post is particularly important in an election year.
- Rick Santorum sweater vest: 'What not to wear' or sleeveless genius?Rick Santorum's sleeveless sweater vest has taken on a life of its own this week, even garnishing its own Twitter account. Candidates' sartorial choices many times take on special significance.
- South Carolina test: How GOP rivals could derail a Romney coronationThere's little suspense in New Hampshire about who will win the primary there. The answer is Mitt Romney. South Carolina, meanwhile, could decide the tenor of the rest of the race.
- Todd Palin endorses Newt Gingrich. Is Sarah next?Newt Gingrich gleefully tweeted that Todd Palin has endorsed him for president. Why does he care? Well, Todd's endorsement could be seen as a proxy endorsement from Sarah Palin.
- Anti-Romney ads on Bain Capital: Whose is toughest?Negative ads are rolling out about Mitt Romney's tenure at Bain Capital, trying to paint him as the sort of privileged money guy who created the financial meltdown.
- Chris Christie wows New Hampshire crowd. Romney-Christie ticket, anyone?Chris Christie joined New Hampshire front-runner Mitt Romney on stage Sunday, responding swiftly to hecklers shouting 'Mitt kills jobs.' He added Jersey-style charisma to the button-down Romney.
- Gabrielle Giffords: amid somber tributes, questions about reelection growGabrielle Giffords will be on hand Sunday in Tucson, Ariz., to honor the victims of last year's mass shooting. But the day is also a reminder that Gabrielle Giffords will soon have to decide if she is able, and willing, to run for reelection.
- New Hampshire GOP debate best yet, but who won?The Sunday New Hampshire GOP debate was the opposite of the one the night before, with candidates attacking Mitt Romney – and at least one setting himself up well for races to come.
- New Hampshire Republican debate: Why isn't Ron Paul attacking Mitt Romney?The New Hampshire debate Saturday was marked by a conspicuous lack of attacks on front-runner Mitt Romney, even from flamethrower Ron Paul. That Republican debate strategy might not work for Romney's challengers long-term.
- Unemployment rate: How low can it go by Election Day? Under 8 percent?Though the unemployment rate dipped to 8.5 percent last month, it remains uncomfortably high for a president seeking reelection. Economists crunch the numbers to see if it's possible for unemployment to dip to 8 percent by Election Day.
- Indiana union bill: Even with Dems AWOL, lawmakers move closer to voteMost Indiana Democrats have stayed away from the opening of the state House session out of protest for a bill they say is harmful to unions. Still, a committee held a hearing on the bill Friday.
- New Hampshire primary: Will youth vote bring it on Tuesday?Young people in New Hampshire turn out to vote more reliably than do their counterparts nationwide, data show. Ron Paul tops the youth vote heading into Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, a new poll shows.
- Is California Gov. Jerry Brown's 'ransom' budget an empty threat?California Gov. Jerry Brown proposed a state budget Thursday that would cut $4.8 billion from education – but only if a ballot initiative to raise taxes fails. Problem is, legislators are balking.
- Rick Santorum compares gay marriage to polygamy. Will that help him with GOP?Rick Santorum, who was speaking to college Republicans in New Hampshire, was loudly booed. While GOP voters have consistently opposed gay marriage, a majority of Americans now disagree.
- Indiana braces for Wisconsin-style showdown over union bill - againIndiana Democrats are refusing to allow the state’s House to come to session because of the bill. They want Republicans to agree to hold public hearings on the issue around the state.