All Society
- The ExplainerSocial Progress Index: Why does US rank No. 16?The Social Progress Index – covering everything from social inclusion to environmental stability and literacy rates – offers a window into the well-being of people in 132 nations.
- Rebecca Sedwick suicide: what the police files show – and it's not bullyingThe suicide of Rebecca Sedwick drew international media attention last fall and reignited a conversation about the dangers of bullying. But now, reviews of the police files paint a far more complex picture of what the 12-year-old was dealing with.
- Late night's Letterman to retire: Did Gen X's oracle ever succeed at CBS?David Letterman is a baby boomer (hence the retirement thing), but he helped define the voice of the younger Generation X – ironic, self-mocking – during his earlier 'Late Night' show on NBC.
- New index reveals sobering picture of how much African-American children lagThe composite index used data on education, family resources, and neighborhood by race and by state – key indicators that predict how likely a child is to succeed in life.
- 'Noah': not all believers hate big-budget, biblical blockbusterIn the spirit of 'Ben Hur' and 'The Ten Commandments,' Hollywood is back mining the Bible for box office gold with 'Noah.' Other epics are in the wings, including ex-Batman Christian Bale as Moses.
- Poll finds broad, rapid shift among Americans toward gay marriagePersonal contact with gay family members, friends, and neighbors is driving a speedy shift in attitudes about gay marriage, pollster says. A new survey puts support at 55 percent, with 40 percent opposed.
- 'God's Not Dead': What low-budget hit says about Christians and Hollywood'God's Not Dead' plays to Christians who feel their faith is caricatured or mocked by Hollywood. It finished fifth at the box office this weekend amid sharply mixed reviews.
- National Puppy Day! Pamper your poochDog lovers are celebrating "National Puppy Day" this weekend. Puppies have happy and sometimes sad stories to tell, but there's no denying the universal joy, enthusiasm, and loyalty they inspire.
- Cover StoryWhy heroin is spreading in America's suburbsThe drug has followed prescription painkillers into new neighborhoods, forcing police and parents to confront an unexpected problem.
- 'Game of Thrones' previews in New York: scalped tickets and a bus-sized dragonThousands of New York fans of HBO's smash hit 'Game of Thrones' gave the series' author and creator rock-star treatment at the sneak preview for Season Four.
- Fred Phelps: no funeral for the preacher who picketed so manyFred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church tormented countless funerals to spread their message against homosexuality and abortion. He died Thursday.
- Colorado wrestles with how to keep edible marijuana away from kidsA new law extends the same packaging requirements to medical marijuana products as exist for recreational pot, but critics say it's still hard for kids to tell if a gummy bear is pot-infused.
- Fred Phelps legacy: Should Westboro Baptist founder be picketed?With reports that Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps is near death, some gay-rights advocates are conflicted. In the end, they say, his actions actually helped their cause.
- Could Westboro Baptist Church survive without founder Fred Phelps?Westboro Baptist Church, which pickets military funerals to preach against homosexuality, has excommunicated ailing founder Fred Phelps, according to reports.
- St. Patrick's Day shenanigans to feature blarney, malarkey, say hooligansWhy do so many Irish names have negative connotations?
- Cover StoryWhy African-Americans are moving back to the SouthAfter decades of moving north, thousands of blacks are returning to their Southern roots for economic and cultural reasons.
- N.J. judge cites women's rights in barring unwed dad from child's birthPatients alone get to decide who is at their bedsides, a New Jersey judge has ruled. Fathers have no court-established right to be in delivery rooms – or even be notified – when their children are born, he said.
- 'Cosmos': Can Fox reboot shine amid 'billions and billions' of options?'Cosmos,' the Fox remake of Carl Sagan's classic PBS series, 'Cosmos, A Personal Journey,' was seen by 8.5 million viewers across 10 channels on Sunday, according to early reports.
- Best predictor of divorce? Age when couples cohabit, study says.A new study suggests the age when couples start cohabiting – whether married or unmarried – correlates with divorce rates, adding new nuance to studies about cohabitation and marriage.
- Where Oscars flopped: Bid to live stream the show online broke downABC promised online viewers a live stream of the Oscars telecast Sunday, but a 'traffic overload' crashed the Internet broadcast for most of the show, generating some angry Tweets.