All Europe
- EU approves embargo on Iranian oil, despite economic concernsSome EU countries who agreed to the Iranian oil embargo get as much as 30 percent of their oil from Iran. But as Spain's foreign minister said today, they are 'willing to make the sacrifice.'
- Croatia votes to join EU, but with great ambivalenceWhile support for Croatia's EU membership ultimately prevailed, enthusiasm was tempered by fears of giving up short-lived sovereignty and the impact on local industries.
- Greece, private investors struggle to agree on high-stake debt dealThe Greek government and private investors are locked in negotiations over how much Greek debt private investors will write off.
- Costa Concordia captain: symbol of the era?The Concordia captain's missteps and failure to take responsibility have spurred deeper discussion about a dearth of moral leaders.
- Why Russia is willing to sell arms to SyriaRussia, which has weapons contracts with Syria worth $5 billion, is increasingly resisting international pressure to punish its ally. Yesterday it did not deny a report of a recent arms shipment.
- Can Costa Concordia's captain get a fair trial in Italy?The amount of public anger directed toward the captain of the Costa Concordia, which wrecked off the Italian coast last week, may prevent him from receiving fair legal treatment.
- Europeans fear Iran oil embargo will wreck economyWith a proposed embargo on Iranian oil, the European Union and the US could suffer from rising oil prices while Iran simply finds new buyers.
- German tabloid Bild takes down politicians with its unmatched megaphoneGerman tabloid Bild, Europe's largest newspaper, drives the political agenda of the most influential economic power on the continent. Its latest target: President Christian Wulff.
- Costa Concordia: Top 4 'deceptions' by ship's captain From the moment that Capt. Francesco Schettino made his fateful decision to steer the Costa Concordia cruise ship close to shore, to his description of whether he stayed with the ship to help evacuate its 4,000 passengers, there has been a pattern of untruths and attempted coverup. Here are four examples, running the gamut from 'technical' to incredulous.
- Greece lurches closer to collapseGreece could finally default in March when massive bond payments are due.
- In Romania, protesters find voice after years of apathyOn Tuesday, Romania's government moved to reinstate a popular minister whose resignation triggered days of protests. Frustration over corruption and austerity has been building.
- Why Russia is planning Iran war gamesRussia has reportedly ordered the military to plan war games to deal with potential spillover from a US-Iran conflict.
- After airing false footage of Costa Concordia, Italian media under fireCritics say mistakes made while reporting on the Costa Concordia undermine the Italian journalism industry's argument that its strict regulations are essential to maintaining credibility.
- Costa Concordia: Why navigation might 'fail' and other cruise ship questions Many questions remain unanswered after Italian cruise ship, Costa Concordia, collided with rocks off the coast of Tuscany and capsized this week.
- Costa Concordia: Capsized cruise ship owners blame 'human error'Costa Concordia owners say that the captain made an unauthorized deviation from the programmed course, leading to the deadly crash.
- What's behind Europe's tough stance on Iran?European powers have agreed in principle to embargo Iranian oil, the lifeblood of Iran's economy, adding to tough sanctions already in place.
- Third survivor rescued from capsized cruise shipAuthorities in Italy are holding the captain of the wrecked Costa Concordia cruise ship for abandoning the boat before all passengers had escaped.
- Downgrade of France's credit rating dashes uplifting week for eurozoneUnexpectedly successful bond auctions for Spain and Italy and additional lending from the European Central Bank generated speculation about a turnaround – until S&P announced it had downgraded France.
- Spain's Basques enter unfamiliar territory of peacetime politicsThe Basque terrorist group ETA, Europe's last violent separatist movement, agreed to a cease-fire last year, paving the way for Basques to engage in the political process.
- Putin election manifesto vows reform, but too late for some RussiansRussia's President Putin promised to end police repression and give citizens legal outlets to challenge the government, but many people hear only empty rhetoric after years of oppression.