All Middle East
- IDF soldier's murder increases Israeli wariness of peace talksEven Yair Lapid, considered relatively centrist, referred to Palestinians as "animal-like terrorists" after an Israeli soldier was killed by a Palestinian coworker.
- Assad harvests support from Druze in Israel - with applesThe Syrian Druze living under Israeli control in the Golan Heights are loyal to President Assad because they consider him an economic lifeline and a protector of minority rights.
- Moroccan rights groups move to challenge repressive policeThe violent dispersal of protests last month, and rights groups' demands for a judicial inquiry, suggests politics in Morocco may be shifting into uncharted territory.
- How Americans in the West Bank do SukkotAmericans put their own twist on the Jewish holiday in an Israeli settlement outside Jerusalem.
- Plenty of money for weapons in Syria, little for refugeesOxfam reports that many countries are far short of their expected humanitarian contributions for Syria, with Russia and Qatar providing only 3 percent.
- FocusHopes are high for Iran's 'diplomatic sheikh' on eve of UN visitIranian President Hassan Rouhani has preached a message of moderation and cooperation – a sharp departure from his predecessor, known for his anti-West tirades.
- FocusQuoted at the UN: Ahmadinejad leaves fiery legacyNew Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is seeking to change Iran's tone at the UN.
- Iran's prisoner release may signal first push to dismantle security stateThe move comes just ahead of President Rouhani's first-ever address to the UN, and is being seen as a message to the West that he is ready to engage.
- Bedouins slam Israel's desert development as 'Nakba in the Negev'An Israeli development plan for the Negev desert would evict 40,000 semi-nomadic Arab Bedouins, who compare it to the Palestinian expulsion after Israel's founding.
- Modern matchmaking in JerusalemDaniella Rudoff is nothing like her Fiddler on the Roof predecessor.
- Could Obama, Iran's Rouhani meet 'accidentally' at the UN next week?The Iranian government has conveyed a tone of compromise and reason ahead of centrist President Rouhani's first visit to the UN.
- Why Israel hails Syria chemical weapons dealIsraeli Prime Minister Netanyahu called a tentative US-Russian agreement on dismantling Syria's chemical weapons arsenal a breakthrough that could weaken Iran.
- War in Syria: The stakes for IranIran sees the war in Syria as crucial to its own interests, and sees the conflict as a proxy war to prevent the spread of 'arrogant' US influence in the region.
- War in Syria: The stakes for IsraelIsrael is deeply worried about the war in Syria. But has few good policy options. The Jewish state is afraid that Assad might lose - and also that he might win.
- War in Syria: The stakes for JordanSyria's civil war has flooded tiny Jordan with half a million refugees and damaged its economy. The Kingdom worries if it isn't careful, that it could get a lot worse.
- War in Syria: The stakes for LebanonThe view of the Syrian civil war from Lebanon, where sectarian tensions are rising as a result of the war next door.
- War in Syria: The stakes for RussiaFor Russia, Bashar al-Assad's Syria is their last remaining ally in the Arab world. The country fears regional chaos could spread if Assad's regime is toppled.
- Why some Palestinians want to learn like IsraelisAs they consider implementing an Israeli curriculum in their schools, Palestinians weigh which matters more: better university and job prospects, or reinforcing their national identity.
- Jordan-based MIT startup helps those in developing world build savingsBluelight, a savings program for low-income individuals, aims to fill a gap created by the Middle East's low access to financial services.
- Across Egypt, piles of ash where church pews once stoodAnti-Christian attacks have swept through Egypt since Islamist leader Mohamed Morsi was ousted. Christian properties have been desecrated and reduced to rubble.