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Monitor articles for October 24, 1983
- Home care vs. day care: the controversy deepens
- News In Brief
- Video games blinking out
- Cutting medicare costs: House split over restricting doctors' fees
- Establish good study habits by providing a proper atmosphere
- After 5th round, some clearer signs in Hong Kong talks
- Lebanon - the search for a nation
- How managers scan the international horizon for stock bargains
- Companies find new products and services for younger buyers
- 'New Hampshire is not a simple state'
- Britain builds new frigate for 21st century
- Righting the arms imbalance
- Word watching
- Chilean poet Pablo Neruda wanted to be 'a poet of my land'; Passions and Impressions, by Pablo Neruda. Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden. New York...
- Predictions of dire deficits are easing up
- News In Brief
- At Washington arms bazaar, all that glitters isn't just the 'brass'
- Border accord
- Sales are surging as bulls charge
- Laurie Anderson considers the heart of her 'performance art' to be storytelling
- North Hill Pond
- Burma's Karen revolt fueled by smuggling, but not of drugs
- Urban model school pulls top scores, motivated students
- Mustering strength to fight hunger - when it is not our own
- Market points to strength in consumer goods for '84 but not in capital outlays
- Issue of atmospheric warming prompts call for calm and facts
- Revival of a bright, brittle English comedy
- European peace protesters, buoyed by weekend marches, aim to keep momentum
- News In Brief
- Heady gains in aggressive funds raise questions on holding power
- News In Brief
- Toward easier-to-read fund prospectuses
- New avenues open up for investors sensitive to social, ethical issues
- Lebanon urgency
- For Palomar crew, viewing space through San Diego's glow isn't too enlightening
- Attacks jolt Lebanese hopes for reconciliation and point up vulnerability of peacekeepers
- International grandmaster begins weekly Monitor chess column
- News In Brief
- News In Brief
- In defense of baroque
- Owl
- In debate between load vs. no-load: a low-load alternative
- Stiff sales fight puts storefront strategy in play
- News In Brief
- Some managers ferret out value in stocks that stumble but have recovery potential
- News In Brief
- Previewing the NBA: Philadelphia set to repeat as champion
- Latin American volcano erupts at UN
- Data bank will let investor keep day-to-day track of 'smart money'
- Young-artist shows often only hint at emerging talent
- Popcorn: Indians threw it in the fire, today we pop it with oil
- Stouthearted shoppers pay bottom dollar at Boston basement store
- Vanguard head talks of his market strategy
- A host of new funds call for extra caution before signing up
- News In Brief
- Beirut bombings lend urgency to search for a settlement in Lebanon
- As high-tech boom eases, old workhorse portfolios regain favor
- A brash daily challenges old guard of French press
- Some compromise!
- New book urges US to take a fresh appraisal of 'Cuba threat';
- Real success
- Some long-term equity funds performed well even during bad times
- News In Brief