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Monitor articles for November 17, 1983
- Leibovitz's photos reveal humor and beauty; Photographs, by Annie Leibovitz. New York: Pantheon/Rolling Stone Press. (Pages unnumbered.) $35.
- News In Brief
- In Portland, Ore., advertisers create a museum as a tribute to their trade
- Bridges: works of steely art that span the centuries; The Tower and the Bridge, by David P. Billington. New York: Basic Books. 306 pp.
- Fairchild courts the 'civilized man': calling all clotheshounds
- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Big-time losses
- Boston and Miami
- News In Brief
- Some makers of wood stoves seek alternatives to asbestos gaskets
- UN resigned to Turkish-Cypriot move
- Upholding human rights should be above partisan politics
- Cranston runs hard for Democratic nod
- Bay State GOP devises new plan to restore two-party lawmaking
- Disney's Arctic tale 'Never Cry Wolf' is trapped on the ice
- Component TV: quality's higher, but so is price
- And everywhere that Reagan went, the press was sure to go . . .
- British Columbia unions bow to Bennett's austerity program
- Mothers
- News In Brief
- Sarah Caldwell's moral imperative; country pickers and chamber music
- Moving earth in the name of art
- Town vs. slope in Vermont: trade-offs in the ski industry
- Experimental theater meets fiscal reality at the Guthrie
- News In Brief
- The ripening of Soviet policy: straight party line adopts nuances
- Auto racing - a blend of speed, noise, thrills, and big money
- South Africa's 'reformist' minister resigns
- Israel's strike against terrorists: a signal for Washington, too?
- Flynn opens new mayoralty era in Boston
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- Angolans wait ... and wait for Marxist leaders to revive economy
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- One economist's look at US deficit and how it can be brought under control
- What US needs in Lebanon: military might, political flexibility
- Do fair-housing laws violate owner privacy? Boston reconsiders
- News In Brief
- Press disputes justification of Grenada invasion
- News In Brief
- The 9 to 5 Bill of Rights
- The oil crisis 10 years later: effect in US is no longer harsh
- East bloc reacts to its 'new wave' teens - but tone varies
- Color analysts share their tips for helping men dress well
- From Boston Arts contributors
- Tuition wisdom
- House ERA defeat gives Democrats ammunition for '84
- Tax opportunity
- A new entry in the narrowest house contest
- Arafat's loss of last stronghold is more political than military
- News In Brief
- Wanted: one buyers' strike
- Another Japanese import success: jazz pianist Makoto Ozone
- Raising the profile - and the pay - of women office workers
- Fewer jobs at City Hall - one way Flynn can begin to arrest the deficit
- Freedom from the 'common cold'
- South African poet-in-exile keeps up barrage against apartheid
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- News In Brief
- Soviet officials interviewed
- Earl Warren's stamp lingers on a more conservative court
- News In Brief
- Enterprising Chinese peasants edge toward $5,000-a-year incomes
- Drunk driving and bankruptcy
- Not ungrateful