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Monitor articles for September 13, 1985
- Balancing needs of livestock and wildlife
- Sky-high liability costs have wide impact. Companies cancel policies or jack up premiums to cover increasing risks
- Feminist-in-exile decries growing oppression in Egypt
- Tulane football accepts challenge of major college competition
- In search of fall foliage outside of New England
- Musicians: beware the temptation to imitate
- History-steeped Iona: ancient Christian outpost off Scotland's coast
- Spouses and government service
- Washington must do more to fight poverty, two economists say
- The Barbara Walters interview: entertaining as ever . . . yet what a waste
- Polish the apple
- How can they be helped when people are suffering so much?
- Adventure in the Amazon aboard a floating hotel
- Future uncertain for struggling 132-year-old St. Louis newspaper. Hit by lawsuits and low on cash, paper must be sold to survive
- Sky-high liability costs have wide impact. For towns, doctors, day-care centers lawsuit protection is hard to find
- Insurance claims school funds. Universities find creative ways to counter rising costs
- Trailer homes have traveled far
- Civilized, elegant, lovely -- and expensive -- Bermuda
- Grapes and granite
- Wholly of God
- S. Africa race policy dealt second blow
- Harpo's harping
- On election eve, Sweden lets an unprofitable business go under
- For safer air travel
- A Japanese `Macbeth' in Scotland. Samurais replace Highlanders; Birnam Wood becomes cherry blossom trees
- How an African rock can boost food production
- People of Birmingham speak out on riots. `It's all about jobs,' says a black man; `rubbish,' says a policeman
- Pragmatist Reagan backs off on trade, S. Africa
- Home fix-up
- Pacifism's twilight in Costa Rica
- One forecast for finding the needed balance
- Struggles of an Egyptian feminist
- Nepal:Trekking the high road in the Himalayas
- Japanese urge steps on US trade
- Britain expels 25 Soviets on espionage charges
- We put up pickles instead
- Caps off to Mr. Hustle
- Chief of staff Regan -- learning the fine art of political sensitivity. Criticism by lawmakers has sunk in; less confrontation marks the change