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Monitor articles for October 14, 1994
- Bosnian Leader Charges Serb Threat Is a Ploy
- Willie Mays's Catch Recollected
- Protestant Cease-Fire Puts Peace on Ulster's Horizon
- On Mexican Border, Volunteers Pitch In
- State Fair Features A Tethered Trip To Outer Space
- The Elite Group of Four-Star Admirals
- Sleaze Scandal Allegation Hits Defense Industry
- Iraq's Next Move Remains Unclear In Bid to End Pinch of UN Embargo
- The Elite Group of Four-Star Admirals
- Germany's Candidates Sprint Down to Wire
- Adoption by love, not race
- Ukrainian Leader Charts Ambitious Reforms
- Mitchell Rebukes Press On `Misinformation'
- Arafat Faces Major Political Test As He Cracks Down on Militants
- Whatever Happened to The Perennial Line Storm?
- Your Old Newspapers Now Worth a Bundle
- Efficient and Attractive: Believe It Or Not, It's the US Post Office
- Productive Congress Turns Quite Partisan As Fall Elections Approach
- The Elite Group of Four-Star Admirals
- Ruble's Fall Roughens Russia's Reform Path
- The Elite Group of Four-Star Admirals
- Our Careers: God Guides We Decide
- Don't Recognize Illegal Military Takeovers
- A Hundred Feet: Of Falling Water
- Saga of an Off-Road Runner
- Nomads at Work
- Democrats Swing Back With Warning of Red Ink
- The Elite Group of Four-Star Admirals
- War of Words Over Enola Gay
- New England Sculptors Branch Out
- Inside the Ruble Zone