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Monitor articles for April 25, 1995
- For Physicists, There Is Life After the Supercollider
- Welfare And the Rural Poor
- Australia's Aboriginal Policy Faulted
- Give Daughters Their Own Day
- Sun Is Key Resource In the Study Of Particle Physics
- Museum Lifts Veil of Secrecy From Code-Making and Breaking
- After the Bombing
- Unsaddle that 'Rider'
- News In Brief
- Furtive Steps at Dawn Away From a Hostile City
- Stock Market Could Be Headed for a Downturn
- PC-Card Modem Doesn't Cut It Yet For the Rest of Us
- Male Joblessness Fosters Rise of Fatherless Families
- Canadians Tire of Multiculturalism
- Home Is Where Your Paycheck Is
- US Strategy to Defend Against 'Rogues' Needs an Overhaul
- Nuclear energy: an environmental ally
- Cryptic Fax May Lead To Piece in Bomb Puzzle
- Jaded Urban Japanese Reject Status Quo In Local Elections
- A 'Slip-Proof' Friend To a Trusting Stranger
- France's Next President Must Court Nay Voters
- Mexico's Peso Crisis May Worsen -- But That's Only Half the Story
- Aha!
- Katarina Witt Skates In the Capitalist Arena
- 'Happy Warriors' In the White House
- Gay Parade Case Tests Free-Speech Rights
- Going to Bat for Bats Saves Money, Species
- Indianapolis Scores Goal: Art Museum of Sport
- Health care is a right
- G-7 Leaders Chatting On US Dollar
- Is 'Swift, Severe' Justice Possible For Terrorists?
- Christian Coalition And Law Center Have Totally Distinct Purposes
- Blowing ther Horn for a High School Band
- Christian Coalition And Law Center Have Totally Distinct Purposes
- Make No Room for Terror