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Monitor articles for September 27, 1995
- A Safe Home
- The Literary Fruits Of an Ordinary Life
- Afghanistan's 'Quiet Killing Fields'
- Caregivers Want to Focus on the Child in Child Care
- Words That Breathe
- Ross Perot's bid to form a new party changes the presidential equations
- The Eagle and the Bear
- The Arms Race Under the Sea
- Russian Elections: Hatred Of 'Ins' vs. Fear of 'Outs'
- Cheap Shots at Diplomacy
- Historic West Bank Pact Sidesteps a Core Issue
- California Water War's Moment of Truce
- News In Brief
- Violette Verdy Teaches Art and Life And the Simplicity of Balanchine
- A Son Seeks a Father's Approval
- Guerrilla War Takes Toll On Sri Lanka's Economy
- Babbitt Sings the Blues Over Anti-Green Deals
- Why Red Cross Opposes a Partial Ban on Land Mines
- As Quebec Separatist Support Sinks Leaders Work to Rally 'Oui' Votes
- Mother's Silence Impelled Camus to Speak
- Clinton Test Drives His View of Future On Road to 1996
- Child Care: Best Ticket Off Welfare?
- After 30 Years, Camus's Final Work Comes to Print
- Brazil's Sao Paulo Stumbles, Cutting Back on State Projects
- UN, Nations Hit Potholes on Path To Land Mine Ban
- Clinton's Views on Powell, Medicare, and Omelettes
- Europe Swings Together