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Monitor articles for October 03, 1996
- The Neighbors Knew What We Were Up To
- Refusing to Fight In a Violent Country
- What's On
- Who Cares How They Hit - They Looked Marvelous!
- Marching, Singing To My Own Drum
- An Expanding Society
- As Welfare Exits, States Try to Make 'Workfare' Work
- CD Reviews
- More Than a Summit Handshake, Palestinians Want Israeli Action
- Bestselling Nonfiction
- Humane Hunting
- To US, Turk Leader's Tour Goes to All the Wrong Places
- Too Much of a Good Thing? Themes Behind Fall Shows
- Seventh Inning Stitch: Decking Out the 'Boys of Summer'
- 'Twas Golden Summer For Canada ... Sort of
- Exploiting Religion In Jerusalem
- War-Weary Guatemala Gets a Peace Plan And Corruption Cleanup in One Big Week
- Home Drug Test: Crutch Or Valuable Parent Tool?
- 'After this, I can't believe in God . . .'
- Silicon Valley's Emergence as Political Mecca
- News In Brief
- N.Y.C.'s Giuliani Grapples With the 'Vision Thing'
- Tom Hanks Runs Movie 'Marathon'
- On Stage
- On Foreign Policy, US Takes The 'Do It Alone' Approach
- Kickbacks
- For Mutual Funds, Return on Real Estate Beats That of Stocks
- Kashmir's Aspirations Go Beyond Imposed Elections
- Umpire Furor: Is Respect No Longer in Playbook?
- Sealing and Storing the Flavors of the Season
- Budgets and Votes
- The Price of Milk and Cheese: Mooooo-ving Higher in the US