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Monitor articles for January 12, 1999
- So many parolees, so little time
- Can this school make a difference?
- Russia's orphans feel chill of care shortage
- News In Brief
- Testing, testing, testing ...
- News In Brief
- Essays from a school in the mountains
- Mexicans start to sing, adios peso - hello $$$
- California's bold quest to reinvent schools
- News In Brief
- The making of a holiday: How Martin Luther King Jr. got his day
- Japan challenges dollar dominance
- 'Secular missionaries' need help teaching children in crisis
- What is good, in Japan?
- Anti-abortion Web sites: free speech or 'threats'?
- Essays get the electronic red pen
- News In Brief
- Web Smarts
- Desegregation case finally resolved
- New-female-face to counter scandal?
- Poem
- Fight to preserve a 'flying treasure chest'
- Do better in school
- Letters
- In US aviation, a record safe year
- Did you ever see...?
- What's New
- Today's Story Line:
- Montenegro in danger
- Time to trade-in Canada's loonie?
- Iran's inner wrestling
- New evidence that restaurant smoking bans help business
- Japan rethinks its approach to moral ed
- How far should Arafat threaten statehood?
- Lofty claims by charters? States say, 'prove it'
- Using the US Surplus Wisely
- Longhorns hoof it down Houston Street
- Software with 'girl power' inspires girls to log on
- Which word is right?