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Monitor articles for August 28, 2008
- Russia's case on Georgia territories: Like Kosovo or not?
- Sri Lanka advances on rebel base
- Syria eyes an edge amid Russia-U.S. rift
- Garden siteseeing in California
- The rewards of second best
- That vampire book
- The Girl From Foreign
- It’s their cake and everyone eats it, too
- Obama speech excerpts: "Eight is enough"
- Headway with the homeless
- Prayer for elections
- Now you see it, now you don't (nearly as much)
- When radar doesn't work
- Sign language via cellphone
- Alaska: Climate-change frontier
- US Air Force uses new guided bomb in Iraq
- Facebook, the movie: the Facebook group
- The race to fill your tank with wax paper, grass clippings, and wood chips
- A blogger takes office in Malaysia
- McCain's Veep speculation hits frenzy
- Hanging chads in Alaska primary? Don Young waits...
- World
- Reporters on the Job
- Etc.
- U.S. marines shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan
- One man’s aqueous idyll
- A talk with the ICS co-founders
- Letters to the Editor
- A president, not a savior
- Obama’s next move: to the center
- Top Obama aides counting on new voters to win in November
- Biden begins to shore up Obama's defensive line