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Monitor articles for September 19, 2008
- Monks with guns? Burma's younger activists get bolder.
- Can Livni clean up Israeli politics?
- U.S. airstrikes test alliance with Pakistan
- In a throw-away culture, one more car saved
- How far north will figs grow?
- Food for the taught
- "Brisingr" is here!
- Serve the People
- New Fed doctrine emerges on bailing out pet stores
- Unswayed by celebrity, Scottish singer keeps music first
- How to enhance youth soccer
- Six Picks: Recommendations from the Monitor staff
- Co-opting consumerism
- Investors' guide to stormy market: Find havens
- Next step in economic crisis: a giant resale agency?
- Israel's next big hope
- So you think you need more time ...
- Aerosol cans: Are they OK to use now?
- A ‘miracle tree’ that could feed sub-Saharan Africa
- Horizon highlights – Palin and email security, Facebook and job security, computers and investing security
- McCain and Obama on International Talk Like a Pirate day
- Biden on higher taxes: Be a patriot!
- World
- Reporters on the Job
- Etc.
- North Korea claims to be restarting nuclear reactor
- Keep military aid separate from aid organizations
- I Capture the Castle
- Ladybug, ladybug, where have you gone?
- Fall color beyond mums
- Changing the game for good
- Study: U.S. financial aid fails students who need it most
- Will Ivy League embrace R.O.T.C again?
- Defying Ike: Why 140,000 stayed behind
- Congress prepared to work quickly on administration financial rescue plan
- Paulson announces plan for massive federal intervention to calm markets
- Letters to the Editor
- Real change in campaign ‘08: Stop hating the other party.