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Monitor articles for April 28, 2009
- Acquittal in Britain's 7/7 bombing case spurs doubts about investigation
- Russian journalists face violence, intimidation
- Mexico tourism braces for swine flu slowdown
- Climate change: Southeast Asia's preparation falls short
- No e-books for Harry Potter
- Rooms
- Images of America's West held up against today's reality.
- Home prices less dismal, but still falling steeply
- Deal with creditors may let Chrysler veer out of bankruptcy
- Letters to the Editor
- Venice flood barriers
- Will Verizon get two iPhone-like devices?
- In Israel, solar power that won't need subsidies
- Swine flu rattles global economy
- US consumer outlook improves
- In a Georgian village, Easter hunts involve bruises, honor, and the fight over a 35-lb. ball
- Supreme Court backs FCC crackdown on swearing on television
- After Iraq's civil war, lessons in civility
- Pakistan intensifies fight against Taliban
- A fallen wall, a renewed Germany, a united Europe
- Legalized gambling only fuels economic crisis
- Built of Books
- A haiku
- Why so many Americans switch religions
- Science takes aim at the swine flu
- Somali vigilantes fight back against pirates
- Uganda: How a teenage sugar cane farmer lifted her family out of poverty.
- Pakistanis stage rare protest to ‘save Pakistan, fight Taliban’
- Japan: Farm women go online
- Senator Specter defects to Democrats, strenghtening Obama's hand
- DC in the spring: See the Capitol, skip the White House
- Morning briefing: borders prove porous
- Freedom from swine flu through God's care
- 'Sexting' overreach
- Specter changes parties -- politically motivated? Noooooo!
- Palin group tries to derail Sebelius HHS confirmation
- Obama on Air Force One debacle: Mistake, won't happen again