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Monitor articles for October 21, 2011
- New optimism in Cuba about economic reforms, Freedom House study reveals
- Is Mexico's economy really driving down illegal immigration to the US?
- Latin American police get 'citizen friendly' to fight bad reputation
- Clinton says US expects Pakistan to act against Haqqani network
- How the militant ETA lost support among Basques
- Is Sunday's European debt crisis summit sunk before it even starts?
- Racecar driving: even 100 years ago, excitement outweighed the danger
- Madoff widow writes about life inside Bernie Madoff's family – before and after the scandal
- "Sybil" authenticity questioned in new book
- Amazon offers trade-in program for Kindles, iPads
- Six Picks: 'The Cosby Show,' CD tribute to John Lennon, and more
- Martha Marcy May Marlene: movie review
- Margin Call: movie review
- Oranges and Sunshine: movie review
- Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey: movie review
- Nightwoods
- Android Ice Cream Sandwich: As tasty as we hoped?
- Mary Blair: How she changed Disney forever
- Mary Blair: Why she was 'Walt Disney's favorite artist'
- Spicy chorizo, pumpkin, and black bean chili
- 'Paranormal Activity 3' inventively uses new tricks to scare moviegoers
- 'Misery index' in decline
- Qaddafi death gives NATO its 'mission accomplished' moment in Libya
- Take your money and run
- Patience won in Libya. How about in Afghanistan?
- Qaddafi's death proves that Obama was right
- Climate study, funded in part by conservative group, confirms global warming
- Health care benefits: Wal-Mart scales back
- Stocks rise sharply on big corporate earnings
- FDIC closes four banks. Annual total: 84 so far.
- Avocado thief: No jail, but unusual sentence
- Taxes: Flat isnt always simple and vice versa
- Tim Tebow: ticket-booster ... for the Dolphins?
- Behind Qaddafi's death: demographics?
- Five things you need to know about 'the cloud'
- How Mary Blair brought synesthesia to the big screen
- Six ways the rich really do get richer
- Tunisia elections face unexpected obstacle: youth apathy
- With Qaddafi's death, world attention turns to Syria
- How a daring band of anti-Qaddafi activists helped turn the tide in Tripoli
- Thailand's worst floods in decades reach Bangkok as political fallout mounts
- Chinese toddler Yue Yue dies but morality debate lives on
- Libyans cheer Qaddafi's death, but difficulties ahead may be sobering
- Marco Rubio may have embellished family history
- Reader recommendation: The Churchills
- Five lessons from the 1986 Tax Reform Act
- Tax reform is essential, inevitable, and impossible
- 40 percent of financial advisers support Occupy Wall Street
- Iraq withdrawal: With US troops set to exit, 9-year war draws to close
- ACLU: FBI guilty of 'industrial scale' racial profiling
- Can Libya really be a 'model' for future US military action?
- The Monitor's weekly news quiz for Oct.17-21, 2011
- Instant forgiveness?
- San Francisco earthquake: second quake hits almost exactly 22 years after quake of '89
- Exotic animals ban: Will ban be revived after Zaneville, Ohio tragedy?
- San Francisco earthquake: Second quake jolts Bay Area
- Total Iraq troop withdrawal before 2012 announced by Obama
- Steve Jobs to Obama: 'You're headed for a one-term presidency'
- First abortion, now 9-9-9. Is Herman Cain waffling?
- How flat will Rick Perry's flat tax be?
- Michele Bachmann faces reports of a New Hampshire revolt. Is the end near?
- Ron Paul ad blitz: Will it work?
- 'Stimulus 2.0'? Senate rejects bid to revive parts of Obama jobs bill.
- Senate vote: first step toward dismantling No Child Left Behind