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Monitor articles for July 13, 2012
- China adoption diary: A document goes missing; stanch the panic!
- Jamie Dimon: JPMorgan trading loss grew to $4.4B
- Good Reads: How South Sudan was born, how journalism must change
- Italian tuna pasta salad
- Why Tim Pawlenty remains high on Mitt Romney veep list
- Why 'Made in China' is gold for US Olympic team
- US charges two with trying to smuggle nuclear-related equipment to Iran
- America's most popular zoos, and 7 ways to save
- Obama says messaging, not policy, was his biggest mistake. Is that true?
- Democrats renew bid to require big campaign donors to disclose
- Shooting Victoria
- Michigan students sue school district for violating their 'right to read'
- Drew Brees signs $100 million, five-year deal
- Pluto's fifth moon: five fascinating facts
- GameTanium: Verizon rolls out all-you-can-eat gaming service for $6 a month
- Wyoming fundraiser: Romney gets boost from Cheney
- Clinton to Myanmar: Keep up the reforms
- What's really driving veep buzz about Condoleezza Rice?
- First-ever video of snow leopard moms and cubs in Mongolia
- What's behind the 'outrage' over Chinese-made US Olympics uniforms?
- 'Oz: The Great and Powerful' trailer debuts at Comic-Con
- A Christian Science PerspectiveThe way Life is
- Are solar storms hazardous? It depends on how fast they move.
- Sorens on Raico: Great minds think (mostly) alike
- Lemurs likely most endangered vertebrates, biologists report
- Happy Friday! JPMorgan launches stock market rally
- Huge solar storm hurtling toward Earth this weekend
- Jerry Sandusky scandal could cost Penn State more than $100 million
- If at first you don't succeed in the kitchen, try, try again
- Union Square: movie review
- Easy Money: movie review
- 'Ice Age: Continental Drift' and 'The Lorax' battle for Chinese viewers
- The Monitor's ViewBarclays Libor scandal: Is truth an easy casualty in the digital age?
- Drought threatens to darken Obama reelection prospects
- Giant solar storm barrelling toward our planet no big deal, says space weather forecaster
- Don’t get caught in the rain. Insurance for big day disasters
- Groupon stock hits lowest level since debut
- Rioting 'anarchy' in Belfast after token Orange parade
- Overdraft fees? Chase says not under $5.
- US ruling reopens old 'Troubles' in Northern Ireland
- 'Fifty Shades of Grey:' Another series that is not for this mom
- Thailand averts a political crisis
- 'Brave' princess breaks Disney stereotypes. Or does she?
- South China Sea meeting ends in stalemate
- Trishna: movie review
- Oregon cave discovery sheds new light on American Stone Age
- Cyberdefense: Should Americans be concerned about their privacy?
- Guest blog: 10 Absurd Violations of Freedom of Association
- Huge solar eruption could make for dazzling northern lights
- Did Mitt Romney run Bain after 1999? Will voters care if he did?
- Thanks to North Dakota, US waste of natural gas grows rapidly
- Parking equality or misogyny: Town debuts ‘female only’ spots
- Frugal innovation: the lessons of India's 'jugaad'
- Hubble spots fifth moon orbiting ex-planet Pluto
- Canada town hit by landslide; 4 thought missing
- Family Portrait in Black and White: movie review
- Jennifer Lopez exits American Idol: Who will be the new judges?
- Culture of clutter taking over American families, says new book
- From progression to regression: Wall Street moves into the closet
- Is Hugo Chavez a US security threat?
- Betaworks buys social news site Digg, or what's left of it
- OpinionBullied bus monitor: one cog in a broken machine
- Steven Tyler bids adieu to American Idol. Is Jennifer Lopez leaving too?
- Heinrich Barth: the greatest explorer you've never heard of
- Congress fumes over US Olympic uniforms 'Made in China'
- Mexico: victory of president-elect Peña Nieto challenged in court
- LinkedIn,, now Yahoo? Don't ignore news of a password breach.
- Fossils of ancient human ancestors found hidden in plain sight
- Michelle Obama death threat by D.C. cop under investigation
- Is America becoming a 'socialist state'? 40 percent say yes.
- Bonnie and Clyde weapons to be auctioned
- Will Louis Freeh report hurt Penn State football?
- Back to school already? Debate continues over year-round benefits
- Can Colombian expert reform Mexico's troubled police force?
- Rescue dog Albie arrives at his new home after a long journey
- British spy chief says Iran is two years from nuclear bomb
- Massacre in Tremseh? Syrians deny it but evidence mounts
- Bush tax cuts: Not a tax increase. A reset.