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Monitor articles for November 07, 2015
- Did Ben Carson just endorse transgender bathrooms?
- How Democrats could win the South. Why they probably won't.
- Will George H.W. Bush biography help – or hurt – Jeb Bush campaign?
- Why the UN moved the greenhouse gas goalposts
- Did King Tut have a roommate? In search of a secret chamber
- 80,000 Russians stranded in Egypt after flights grounded
- How to maximize your employee benefits
- Two Louisiana police arrested in fatal shooting of 6-year-old boy
- Progress? Historic handshake between leaders of China and Taiwan
- Thanksgiving vs. Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday: what to buy each day
- Readers RespondReaders write: Behind the Iran deal; Canada's short election cycle
- College football TV schedule: LSU-Alabama, Clemson-Fla. State top games
- Why California wants single-drug executions
- Mormon church issues new rules on gay marriage: It's apostasy
- Global NewsstandNorth Korea needs to progress; strengthen peace, not nukes; Palestinian women and terror attacks; Egypt's elections; demonstrations in South Africa
- Myanmar vote: A democracy activist's story
- 'Spectre': Will Daniel Craig return for another Bond movie?
- What's the tech etiquette for #wedding photos?