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Monitor articles for August 10, 2017
- How a couple's gift to a university benefits more than just college students
- Behind North Korea's dash to the nuclear finish line, a cold war push
- An iconic Tibetan horse festival – with politics in the wings
- The Monitor's ViewThe lesson of the Google firing for innovation
- First LookUS oil industry challenges sanctions on Venezuela
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast The Christian Science Monitor Daily – Thursday, August 10, 2017
- First LookInternational observers say Kenyan election was fair and free from hackers
- First LookAfghan boy shows his art in Serbia to help another in need
- First LookWhy South Korea's offer for talks with the North continues unrequited
- Why Poland's crisis may come down to a president and a puppet master
- Coming home again: What brings people back to a dying town?
- First LookStudy says uncertain future of health care will spike premium costs
- How to explain refugee crisis to kids? Books.
- 'Morningstar' shows how the books she read shaped a young woman's life
- Verbal EnergyAwakening to all kinds of possibilities
- First LookNorthwest lobby petitions Trump to end salmon protection
- A Christian Science PerspectiveWho, really, are you?