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Monitor articles for April 16, 2019
- Paris can learn others’ lessons in loss after Notre Dame fire
- Is America’s media divide destroying democracy?
- Nebraskans talk extreme weather. Just don’t call it climate change.
- Is grocery packaging necessary? Not for these shops.
- Zero waste lifestyle: How one family learned to live with less
- First LookNot guilty, say Loughlin, Giannulli in college bribery scam
- First LookSyria oil shortages, worsened by US sanctions, spark anger at Assad
- First LookAs smoke clears, Paris reckons with charred Notre Dame
- At a new university, Syrian Kurds build their own future
- A Christian Science PerspectiveWhen the stings in our life are healed
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- The Monitor's ViewThe rebirth of Notre Dame’s purpose