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Monitor articles for October 21, 2019
- As Boris tries to cinch Brexit, two Brits try to make sense of it all
- A Christian Science PerspectiveThe road map to a life worth living
- Monitor BreakfastKen Cuccinelli’s fierce focus on protecting Americans
- First LookRussia bids for influence in Africa amid U.S. isolation rhetoric
- First LookUS expands DNA collection requirements at the border
- First LookRising demand for online delivery boosts 'virtual restaurants'
- First LookElection hacking may be kept from public
- First LookIs Mick Mulvaney helping or hurting President Trump?
- For Syrian Kurds, lost dreams and a betrayal that stings
- Monday Sunrise Briefs: Brexit churns, U.S. troops don't go home
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Monday, October 21, 2019 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- The Monitor's ViewLebanon awakes to fearmongering
- A Confederate statue ... in a hoodie?
- Cover StoryWhy more Mexicans wrap themselves in the flag
- ‘The game of life and death’: An ancient sport revives in Mexico (video)
- CommentaryThe ‘stranger’ within Mexico