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Monitor articles for October 29, 2020
- The Monitor's ViewThe thirst to rethink droughts
- First LookPower of the people: Get-out-the-vote efforts blanket the U.S.
- Lincoln brought strength of character – and backwoods wit – to governing
- First LookRelentless storms: Zeta breaks records as it scours Louisiana
- First LookUS election lawsuits: Less than a week out, where do they stand?
- In a WordUnion or Rebel soldier, they agreed on slang
- First LookConcerns over freedom grow as Kashmir nonprofits and media raided
- First LookPhiladelphia pledges to do better after fatal shooting of Black man
- ‘Time’ and ‘The Antidote’ offer path to unity in a divisive time
- In Azerbaijan and Armenia, a brave few call for end to fighting
- Podcast: Why We Wrote This Tulsa’s Black Wall Street burned. These artists have a new vision (audio).
- Judging ‘Obamacare’: Justice Barrett’s first high-profile case
- A Christian Science PerspectiveVolunteering in this election – to pray
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Thursday, October 29, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- ‘This is a good news story’: Voters turn out early in historic numbers