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Monitor articles for December 07, 2020
- First LookHow Trump administration’s vote fraud claims stack up to reality
- For Biden the top economic priority is clear. It just isn’t easy.
- First LookAsteroid samples: Japanese space capsule brings ‘treasure box’ to Earth
- First LookCongress closes in on compromise for COVID-19 relief
- A Christian Science PerspectiveHeaded in the right direction? Let God steer.
- First LookWhere Venezuela’s boycotted elections leave Maduro and rival Guaidó
- More investors get behind women’s startups in Africa
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Monday, December 7, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- The Monitor's ViewA Bidenesque aisle-crossing in Congress
- Will rural America respond to Biden’s call for masks?
- Cover StoryTroubled waters: Why a clash over crustaceans is roiling Canada
- First LookTough lockdown measures in California expose leadership divides