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Monitor articles for October 18, 2021
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Monday, October 18, 2021 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- A Christian Science PerspectiveLimitless worth and employment
- The Monitor's ViewWhen crisis strikes the giving community
- CommentaryLessons from Nuremberg, 75 years on
- First LookColin Powell remembered as 'a great public servant'
- Cover StoryUntaming a river: The stakes behind America’s largest dam removal
- Fake noses, pointy hats, joy: Poland’s witches find healing in performing
- First LookAthletes want to improve locker room culture. This app may help.
- First LookHow will US cities spend $350B in relief aid? Answers vary.
- In a WordHow ‘gaslighting’ became a common accusation
- Microchip shortage: Why US is poised to take rare action
- Colin Powell: Public life, Volvos, and a poignant what if
- As German coalition starts to gel, a libertarian party plays kingmaker
- First LookShortages, outages, and more: Why China's growth is slowing
- First LookSports over academics? Schools use COVID aid for athletics.