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Monitor articles for February 10, 2022
- Ukraine, Iran, ISIS ... Can America still ‘pivot’ to counter China?
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Thursday, February 10, 2022 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- 3,000 US troops arrive in Europe. Will it make a difference?
- As vaccine protests gum up Ottawa, Canada wonders, ‘How did this happen?’
- Journalism in Mexico: Where getting the story could mean getting killed
- The Monitor's ViewCan Haiti defy failed-state syndrome?
- First LookSenators craft bipartisan renewal of Violence Against Women Act
- First LookWill drug test thwart Russian skater's chance for gold?
- First LookGold medal glide: Skater Nathan Chen wins big for Team USA
- Birding on Capitol Hill: An Audubon expert gathers a bipartisan flock
- A Christian Science PerspectiveOn soles, souls, and Soul – and overcoming stress
- First LookBlack History Month: Will Coretta Scott King's home be saved?