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Monitor articles for March 11, 2024
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Monday, March 11, 2024 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- First LookSeven Oscars for ‘Oppenheimer,’ a fittingly foreboding film for the times
- First LookWinter gets the cold shoulder: 2023-24 winter was warmest ever in US
- First LookGenZ for Biden? Why age isn’t turning away youngest US voters.
- The last coal plant in New England is sputtering. What happens next?
- A Christian Science PerspectiveAnd who is my neighbor?
- Writing workshops offer a refuge in Oregon’s prisons
- The Monitor's ViewA season of peace in a time of war
- Cover StoryHow people like Brenda Glass help violent crime survivors rebuild
- How mistrust explains all those frustrating things about US politics
- Can electric vehicles keep Africa moving?