Where to find out about saving energy

March 7, 1980

Please send me some information on energy conservation. Mrs. Jacqueline P. Wood Redwood Falls, Minnesota

We've been telling people right along that they should write to the federal government for help on the subject. For example, you can get a bunch of literature, much of it free, from the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colorado 81009. "Tips for Energy Savers" is a good booklet, for example. It's a compilation of energy-saving ideas from A to Z and is fun to read to boot. You'll pick up many ideas on how to reduce your energy costs.

Ask for a copy of a small booklet entitled "Consumer Information." It's free and lists all sorts of booklets and other literature which can be ordered from the Colorado address.

The Edison Electric Institute, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 , puts out a good publication entitled "A Consumer's Guide to Portable Appliances." It gives tips on how to buy small appliances wisely, keeping in mind their energy-efficiency ratings, and so on.

You might want to drop a card to the Department of Energy, Technical Information Center, PO Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830, and ask for a free copy of its catalog, "Selected Department of Energy Publications."

After you decide what you want, drop another card to the Oak Ridge address with your order.