Job doors open in retailing

March 17, 1980

Retailing will be the hottest job market in the 1980s, according to an analysis of the new decades's 10 best job fields in the current edition of The Graduate magazine.

Five million new jobs will be created in the retail field in the next 10 years, a growth of 33 percent, the magazine predicts. Durable goods opportunities will be particularly strong in th 1980s as the post-World War II baby-boom population matures.

Rounding out the list of the 10 fastest growing job markets for the '80s are, from top to bottom: state and local government (other than education); business services; medical services; hospitals; wholesale trade; banking; miscellaneous professional services; nonprofit organizations; and doctors' and dentists' services.

The Graduate article notes that 1980 college graduates will find it easier than other recent graduating classes to obtain entry-level jobs. The reason is that the biggest bulge in the baby-boom cycle has already graduated, reducing the competition for starting positions.