Color goes under
Spring and summer underfashions are showing their colors in this election year. The colorful array includes mangos, azaleas, Victorian blues, bluebells, lilacs, ginger peaches, and English roses.
Slits continue to be shown on skirts and slips and petticoats, and there were interesting lace inserts in both slips and leisure wear, but generally the look is a tailored one. Tucks and appliques and drawstrings are used for detail.
Fabrics include terry and Qiana, and nylons from Zefran to Caprolan, Enkalure and Antron III, as well as satin tricot, and cotton and polyester blends.
Bras, which have for some time depended on fabric for shaping, are shown again with underwires and overwires, in black, white, and beige. Among the new bras are some with front closures and others with convertible back designs made to wear with backless outer garments.