Unimpaired wholeness
Can one born lame be made to walk by spiritual means? Christ Jesus' disciples answered by restoring a cripple to "perfect soundness" through the power of God. n1 Healing is a natural effect of Christianity.
n1 See Acts 3:1-16.
Today the Science of Christianity repeats these wonders by applying the divine laws that Jesus and his disciples used.One who lives in accord with Christ and follows these laws can heal.
Christian Science brings the recognition that God's allness, goodness, and power maintain and govern man and the universe in integrity and harmony. The wholeness of God, divine Love, is unimpaired and undivided. Man, coexisting with Love, is complete and sound. Man reflects integrity.
This is a divine law.
Christ Jesus lived the integrity of God. His Christian living reflected his oneness with Love, with divine Truth. By example he showed how we also may live lives of spiritual integrity, bringing out our true nature as the sons and daughters of God.
Christian living requires discipline and sacrifice in order to gain the divine character and to achieve healing results. Evil is divisive.Ignorance, fear, sin, hide the integrity of God and man. They seem to separate us from God , from health and harmony.
The Christ shows such division to be divinely impossible, a misstatement of the divine Principle of oneness that unites and makes whole. Jesus indicated this Principle when he said, "I and my Father are one." n2 Mind, God, is indivisible. The offspring of Mind are one with Mind. This is the healing law of coexistence, of our oneness conditions, unifies individuals, homes, races, nations.
n2 John 10:30.
The Christ is the healing power of God on earth, proving man's unity with Truth and Love. It is the comforting awareness of our inseparable relation with Love, expressed in gentleness and unselfish affection. Unfailing Love is felt as we unfailingly live it. As the Christ molds thought and character to God's likeness, it reforms the body. Acknowledging the wholeness of God and man's completeness heals impairment.
A college senior new to Christian Science took a fall, severely injuring her leg. She had already experienced a quick healing when her hand had been caught in a wringer and become completely discolored. So this time she didn't hesitate to turn immediately to God. She asked a Christian Science practitioner for help.
Within an hour most of the pain and swelling were gone. Because of work she had to do the next day, she felt a cast might be needed. While waiting in the hospital emergency room, she again called the practitioner, who reassured her of her true being at one with God, inseparable from divine Love.
As he prayed, the practitioner felt his thought illumined with the idea that the divine law of oneness assured man's eternal coexistence with God. In reality, no one could be outside this law, separated from god, or divided within it.
When X-rays were taken, multiple breaks were indicated, but all had been perfectly set though the effect of scientific prayer. There was little swelling and a simple walking cast was applied.
The student worked a full eight hours the following day without discomfort. She also prepared for and passed her finals that week with the best grades she had ever had. She graduated and went directly into VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), spending long hours hiking and harvesting crops.
Mary Baker Eddy n3 writes, "Mystery does not enshroud Christ's teachings, and they are not theoretical and fragmentary, but practical and complete; and being practical and complete, they are not deprived of their essential vitality." n4 Through Christly living each of us can prove this today.
n3 Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science;
n4 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,m p. 98.
DAILY BIBLE VERSE Wilt thou be made whole? John 5:6