Keeping the prairie winds from blowing

July 16, 1980

I would like some information on how to save energy in my bilevel brick house which is surrounded by open fields. Edith J. Bettleyou Reading, Pa.

Why don't you get a cop of "Home Energy for the Eighties" by Ralph Wolfe and Peter Clegg. it is published by Garden Way Publishing Company, Charlotte, Vt. 05445. Phone: (802) 425-2171. cost for the soft-cover book, 264 pages, is $10. 95. It is jam-packed with good stuff on how to cut the cost of energy in the home and may be worth the investment by you.

There are numerous other publications, of course, some of them free. The League of Women Voters, for example, has energy-saving publications which may be of use to you.

How about "In the Bank. . . or Up the Chimney," a publication of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. You migh drop a line to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, and ask for an up-to-date price. It isn't much, to be sure. Ask for Stock No. 023-000-00411-9.

Drop a card to the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009, and ask for a free copy of the Consumer Infromation Catalog. The 16-page booklet lists more than 200 selected federal consumer publications on such subjects as your car, consumer protection, gardening, housing, energy conservation, and employment. May of them are free for the asking.

How about your local public library and utility, such as the gas or electric company? Then there are the major oil companies which also offer abundant literature on energy conservation.

Prentiss-Hall, Inc., of Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632, has, among its many titles, a paperback ($5.95) entitled "Your Energy-Efficient Home" by Floyd Hickok, a former technical writer who spent more than a quarter of a century in industry.

Canadian readers can write to the Office of Energy Conservation, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6. The phone number is: (613) 995-1801.