Conventioneers to come with $13 billion to spend
Champaign, Ill.
Convention delegates are expected to spend nearly $13 billion this year at meetings in US cities, says William F. Snyder, president of the International Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus.
According to a survey just completed by the association, projections for 1981 further indicate that 42.2 million delegates will attend 90,945 meetings in the 141 US cities that are members of the association.
These projected figures represent an increase over actual meeting attendance and delegate expenditures in 1980. Last year 40.9 million delegates spent $11.4 billion at conventions in the 141 cities.
A total of 87,138 meetings were reported for the year by the domestic bureau.
Mr. Snyder comments, "Thirteen billion dollars represents a significant contribution by the convention industry to the economic health of our nations's cities."
That contribution, he believes, will con tinue to increase in the years ahead.