Military training proposal: 6-month hitches as 'test'

March 16, 1981

A proposal for a "test drive" draft calling for six months' service before an inductee chose active duty or a reserve period does not mean the draft will be revived. The draft plan was prepared by the Reserve Forces Policy Board, an advisory group, and delivered to Congress last week.

Under the proposal, young men -- and possibly women "if mandated by Congress" -- would have to undergo six months of military training, after which they would have three options. Draftees could remain on active duty in the branch of their choice for three years, serve in a "ready reserve" for 7 1/2 yesrs, or stand by in a manpower pool for 9 1/2 years.

A Defense Department spokesman said the report does not mean the Pentagon plans to revive the draft, and emphasized that the proposals were only one option to consider if a return to the draf t was deemed necessary.