Churches accuse US of S. Africa tilt
New York
Opposition to President Reagan's policy on southern Africa is building among many US churches. At a recent meeting here, the National Council of Chruches (NCC), a cooperative federation of 32 Protestant and Orthodox denominations, accused the administration of supporting apartheid and tilting toward South Africa, rather than maintaining the neutrality asserted by administration spokesmen.
The NCC executive committee unanimously adopted a resolution that called apartheid the "root" of southern African problems and denounced the recent South African invasion of Angola.
The resolution also condemned the US veto of the UN Security Council resolution against the invasion, and called for the United States to grant recognition to Angola and back UN efforts for the independece of Namibia (South-West Africa).
At a press conference the same day, NCC leaders released another, somewhat longer statement, which they are circulating for signatures. It pledges an effort to "turn US policy around."
"We are being pulled into a false East-West debate on South Africa when the real issue is the struggle for self-determination and majority rule in South Africa and Namibia," the statement says.