Andre the Harbor Seal

November 2, 1981

Andre is a seal. He performs in Rockport, Maine, every summer. His master comes in a little dinghy to his cage five minutes before 4 p.m. with some bags of fish.

And there is a sea gull named ''Sneaky Pete.'' He sneaks fish that are Andre's, and if sometimes he gets too big a one, he gives it to Andre.

When I came to Maine last summer, Andre put out a fire because his master lit a piece of paper. This summer he blew a whistle. With his nose, he went up with a ball. He got a basket. This summer he jumped through a hoop twice.

There is a stone statue of Andre in a park looking out at his cage. There was also a sailboat with a soapstone carving of Andre.

In winter Andre leaves Maine so that he won't freeze in the cold water under the ice. Usually he goes to Boston to the aquarium there. But he is not going this winter.

His master thinks he is going to arrange something with Mystic Aquarium. This winter Andre might be performing at Mystic.

Andre undestands tricks and wants to be famous! Andre's master tells funny jokes. Sneaky Pete is a character. Andre does tricks which most seals can't do. Andre is a special seal!